14 October 2011

My Coins - Intro

So, I've decided to begin a new series which will feature all of the Challenge Coins I've recieved during my time in the Army. This series will be "fast and furious," at first as I will post blogs talking about all of the coins I've recieved up to this point. As I get new coins, I will then update the series.

Pictured here is the entire collection showing both the fronts and backs of all of the coins. The series will then highlight each of the coins, telling the story of how I got each one. I'll talk about the particular occasion, to include the date (if I can remember it). I'll talk about what the coin means to me and who gave it to me.

I hope my readers (assuming I have any of those) find this series to be interesting. Perhaps this series will provide material for me to use when I finally decide to get around to writing a book about my Army career.

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