16 October 2011

My Coins - Ace of Spades

The coin pictured here was given to me by my Battalion Command Sergeant Major, CSM Keith Moore. Now, understand that neither CSM Moore, nor I am associated with the unit that is represented by this coin. CSM Moore has a large number of coins that have been given to him by CSM's and Commanders of other units. This coin is one such coin. I came to possess it by the good graces of CSM Moore. As you can see, one side of it has the Ace of Spades. Well, not only do I like coins, but I like the Ace of Spades. I saw this coin laying on his desk, so I took a closer look at it. On another occasion, I took another look at it. It was on that occasion that CSM Moore asked me if I really liked the coin. When I told him I did, he told me to keep it. He told me that with all of the hard work I do, if the only thing I ask for is a coin, then his giving me this coin was the least he could do for me.

My relationship with CSM Moore has been good since the day we met. When he arrived in the Battalion, the unit was in the process of standing up on Fort Carson. I was just an E-4, but I was running the S-6 Shop. Okay, I was the S-6 Shop. CSM Moore became impressed with my work. In fact, he was so impressed that in an attempt to help me get more promotion points, he put me in for an Army Achievement Medal. CSM Moore has always taken care of me. He is the type of CSM who recognizes the hard work of Soldiers and wants to get that work rewarded, when called for. He loves Soldiers. CSM Moore is the first to admit that he wouldn't be in the position that he's in, were it not for the Soldiers under him who have worked hard to get him to the level that he is at. He recognizes the efforts of his troops and ensures that they know he recognizes their efforts. Trust me, I am not the only one he has ever recognized or rewarded.

Now, about the coin. As I said earlier, one side has the Ace of Spades. It has a crest from a unit in the 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. At the top, the word "GAMBLERS." On either side of the unit crest are the rank insignia of Command Sergeant Major and Lieutenant Colonel. Below the crest, "STANDING BY" and "PRESENTED BY THE CDR & CSM." The other side of the coin has the Jack of Spades, which looks like a Jack of Spades from any standard deck of cards. The words "AWARDED FOR EXCELLENCE" run up the right side and accross the top and down the left side and accross the bottom.

I think this coin is probably up there on my list of favorites right above the coins from MG Perkins & DCSM Dailey, but right below the coin from LTC Cox. Again, it isn't the unit the coin represents. It is the fact that it is a gift from CSM Moore, who has been a "father-figure" to me and helped me to become the NCO that I am. Leadership like that of CSM Moore is what the Army needs more of.

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