03 October 2010

Here I Go Again

Well, here I am again. It is a nice, sunny afternoon in Colorado. It is also sub-freezing. The temp hasn't even hit 70, yet. But, all is well. The wife is napping in the bedroom. The dog is napping on the couch. I am able to get in some much needed writing.

So, let's get down to business. Okay, I'm going to put it to you straight. I'm getting ready to go back to the sand box. I cannot say exactly when for security reasons, but let's just say it's going to be soon. This deployment is going to be different in several ways.

First, I'm going to be a part of history. Now, I was a part of history during my last deployment, but for a different reason. My last trip to Iraq was during "the Surge." When numbers of US troops in Iraq during "the Surge" are reported, I was one of them. That, however, is about as close as my name comes to getting in the history books. This time, I'll be making history because my unit will be closing down Iraq. The US has never really "closed down" a Theater of Operations, before. Again, barring any unforseen circumstances, I should be just a number that gets counted in the statistics.

Second, I'm now a Noncomissioned Officer. Last trip, I was just a Specialist. I had no real responsibilities, except to just do my job. This time, I have soldiers under me. That's an important responsibility. While they are accountable to me, I am accountable for them. I must be vigilant and watch out for their needs and do everything I can to ensure they both come back home.

Third, I am now a husband. Before, I only needed to give my mom an occasional call. Now, it's a much different story. I have my wife to call. It will be difficult for her to endure the separation. She knows that. I've told her that it will be different for her, too. We started talking during my last deployment. Then, she was able to say that she had a friend in Iraq. Now, she has to say that her husband is in Iraq. There is a world of difference between those statements.

Whatever differences come, I plan to write about my experiences. I may not be able to put out all the details, but I will write when and what I can. I'll also try to post a picture or two. Hopefully, I'll be able to have some great adventures, but not the kind that cost me important body parts or my life.

So...here I go again... .